2024 In Review

Sad News
I am saddened to share with you that club member Melvin Bauguess passed away on December 23rd at age 96. His wife Sylvia has been a longtime CVIDS member as have also his stepdaughters Nancy Carlisle, Kathy Kephart, Lynne Kirkman and Valerie Volquardsen. His obituary can be accessed here. Funeral services to honor his memory will be held on Tuesday, December 31, at 11 AM at New Hope Presbyterian Church. Visitation will be before the service starting at 9 AM. After the service, his burial will take place at Fairmount Cemetery with military honors. Memorials in Melvin’s name may be made to New Hope Presbyterian Church or to King’s Harvest Animal Rescue. Our deepest condolences go out to the entire family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

December Board Meeting
Our final Board Meeting of 2024 was held at the Hiawatha Public Library on December 7. The meeting minutes will be posted as soon as they become available. Here is the team at work, energized by cookies, I believe! Additional members not visible in this photo are our photographer Nancy Rash (thank you, Nancy!) and Sherry Moffit and Jonathan Poulton (attending via Zoom).

2024 Fall Banquet Report and Meeting Minutes
We are grateful to Nancy Rash for providing a financial report from the recent Fall Banquet. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy by email. Click here for the November meeting minutes.

November 2024 CVIDS Newsletter
Reward yourself with a quiet moment away from Thanksgiving preparations to enjoy the latest edition of the CVIDS Newsletter kindly created by co-editors Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen! Many thanks to both of them. And welcome to new club member Sherry Krogman! Please introduce yourself to her at meetings in the New Year.

An Overview of 2024 CVIDS Fall Banquet

The 2024 Annual CVIDS Banquet on November 9, 2024 was attended by 54 CVIDS members and 4 guests at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Coralville, IA.  The Social Hour began at 11 AM with lots of conversation, voting for the Betty Miller Photo Contest and entering the door prize and raffle options.  A huge thank you to all the members that contributed the door prizes that were awarded at the end of the day.  Members were able to contribute to CVIDS fund raising efforts by purchasing tickets to be used to enter a drawing for items in the raffle.  Hand crafted wood items, daylilies, true lilies, a hybridizing kit, hand painted birdhouse and more were just a few of the cherished gifts. 
We are grateful to Barb and Bob Papenhausen for providing the candy for the tables.

Following a buffet luncheon, guest Speaker Curt Hanson, Crintonic Gardens, Gates Mills, Ohio was the featured speaker.  Curt shared travel adventures in Argentina and Chile and his love of many other plants.  We were able to also enjoy his love of photography and learned more about colors and other growing things in nature.  We were all especially interested in his own daylily hybridization plan and the photos of his personal creations.  We learned more about daylily terms like crispate, pleated, carved and sculpted in his own daylilies.  Thank you Curt for being our featured speaker. 

The 50/50 Auction of Crintonic Gardens Daylilies was conducted by Darrin Lett with commentary by Curt, bid records by Shelly Lett and projector assistant Keith Riewerts.  24 daylilies were presented by Curt for the raffle that divided the proceeds between CVIDS and Crintonic Gardens. 

Heather Harroun conducted a short business meeting that included turning the presidency over to Diane Derganz for the 2025 year.  Heather was presented a gift from the club for her service.  Sherry Moffit, Chair of the Betty Miller Photo Contest announced the winners.  Door prize winners and raffle recipients were announced by Peggy Rash-Daniels. 

The day is made possible with lots of planning and help from members.  Thank you to all that were helping on Saturday.  Sherry Moffit and Jill Gardner were at the registration table along with Lisa Schmidt with a survey for Region One.   Lyn Hafner was accepting payment for dues and raffle tickets. 

Darrin and Shelly Lett are our experienced auction team.  Treasurer Jackie Westhoff ably handled multiple financial duties for the day. Thank you to Heather for your leadership, and congratulations to Diane Derganz for accepting the next term.  Heather created the PowerPoint slide presentation for the auction. Thank you to Cari Rusnak for keeping us informed of club business as club secretary. Thank you to Peggy Rash-Daniels for stepping up to give the invocation and announce prizes following a case of laryngitis for Nancy Rash. Thanks to Lyle Moen for downloading the photos to be shared and to Jonathan Poulton for posting the photos on the website.  Thank you to Sherry and Lynn Moffit and Lyle Moen for serving as co-chairs again with me.  Many thanks to all that attended and participated by donating items and bidding. Thanks to Diann Pavelka and Jonathan Poulton for your help with promotion of our annual event. If I have missed someone, I apologize.  It takes a team to implement the Fall Banquet and all tasks are appreciated. 

Nancy Rash
CVIDS Hospitality Chair

Click on this image of the Photo Contest winners for a PowerPoint presentation of more photos taken at the Banquet!

Our thanks go to Nancy Rash and Keith Riewerts for their photographic skills.

Winners of 2024 Photo Contest
Many thanks should go to the eleven club members who submitted photos to this year's contest and to Sherry Moffit for organizing this popular event. Here are the winners in the individual categories and the Grand Prize. Notice that there were a lot of ties this year. Hearty congratulations to the contest winners!

1. Verne Moore’s Red Daylily
1. Lisa Schmidt, unidentified cultivar.
2. Rex Raub, unidentified cultivar.

2. Gerald Hobb’s Ruffled Daylily
1. Lisa Schmidt, Mystery of the Ages.
2. Sue Kramer, unidentified cultivar.
3. Large Flower, any daylily that is not a double, unusual form or spider
1. Heather Harroun, HH seedling.
1. Jonathan Poulton, JP seedling 1608.
2. Rex Raub, unidentified cultivar.

4. Doubles
1. Diane Derganz, Vera McFarland Memorial.
1. Rex Raub, unidentified cultivar.
2. Heather Harroun, HH seedling.
2. Sue Kramer, unidentified cultivar.
2. Nancy Carlisle, Chestnut Eyes.

5. Unusual Forms and Spiders
1. Diane Derganz, Northwind Dancer.

2. Peggy Rash-Daniels, Raspberry Fairy.
2. Heather Harroun, HH seedling.

6. Hybridizer’s 2024 seedlings
1. Jonathan Poulton, JP seedling 2-12E.
1. Lisa Schmidt, Lisa Schmidt seedling 21T631.
2. Heather Harroun, HH seedling.
2. Sue Kramer, SK seedling.

7. Clumps of daylily or iris
1. Diane Derganz, Light of the World.
2. Nancy Carlisle, God Bless Texas.

8. Landscape must include daylilies or iris
1. Jonathan Poulton, Ginny Geetings Garden.
2. Diane Derganz, New Fence.

9. Novelty
1. Jonathan Poulton, Two Tailed Swallowtail.
2. Peggy Rash-Daniels, Crowded Lily Bed frogs.

10. Iris
1. Lyn Hafner, Cape Cod Boys.
1. Sue Kramer, unidentified cultivar.
2. Rex Raub, unidentified cultivar.
2. Nancy Carlisle, Stormy Stallion.

Grand Prize
1. Jonathan Poulton, Two Tailed Swallowtail

1st place pays $15.00/ties $15.00
2nd place pays $10.00/ties $10.00
Grand Prize: $50.00

Final Items Ahead of the Fall Banquet

October 12th Hybridizers' Roundup

The 14th Annual Hybridizers' Roundup took place at the Washington Public Library. The meeting began at 12:30 PM following social time and a potluck lunch. The agenda for the business meeting can be accessed here.

Meeting minutes, approved at the Fall Banquet, are available here. Five members, namely Barb Papenhausen, Jackie Westhoff, Heather Harroun, Colleen Hansen and Jonathan Poulton, showed their latest creations obtained by hybridization. We are grateful to them for sharing their work. Thirteen members attended in person and five via Zoom.

Thanks also go to Colleen for hosting the Roundup, to Nancy Carlisle for providing a Zoom link whereby members could attend the meeting virtually, to Nancy Rash for taking minutes, to Lyle for providing the photo, and to all who contributed to the potluck.

Don't Miss Heather's October 9th Email to You!
It's packed full with the following vital information: (i) the agenda for Saturday’s meeting, (ii) November banquet information, (iii) August meeting minutes, and (iv) September board meeting minutes,

Iris Update from Cari
Cari reported that "the weather has been so warm that one of my irises got confused and bloomed again. It actually bloomed better today than it did all spring". 

It's October already, perhaps Time to Renew your CVIDS Membership?
Nights are getting colder, and leaves are beginning to fall. Please consider renewing your CVIDS membership! Click here for our updated membership list that includes the date through which each member has paid. Dues for 2025 remain at $10 per person. You may renew your dues at the Fall Banquet or by mail using the form provided here.

Recent CVIDS Board Meeting
The minutes taken by acting Secretary Nancy Rash at the Board Meeting on September 18 may be accessed here. Thank you, Nancy!

Look No Further!
Thanks to our editor Shelly, here is the August 2024 edition of the CVIDS Newsletter! Enjoy! Please note that the Newsletter contains a summary from Silent Auction Chairperson Diane Derganz about our recent Fall Public Plant Sale and Silent and Live Auctions. Our thanks go to her and to assisting committee members, namely Sara Hankemeier, Judy & Rex Raub, and Dick Palmer, for organizing and hosting a very successful day.

Exciting Region One News and More - Kudos to Nancy Carlisle and Nancy Rash!
Many congratulations to Nancy Carlisle on being appointed the new Publicity Director for ADS Region One! On page 6 of the August 2024 CVIDS Newsletter, Nancy describes some of the tasks that lie ahead for her as one of the four members of Region One's Board of Directors. You will notice that she will be joining another CVIDS member on that Board, namely Nancy Rash, who has served as the Regional Secretary since January 2023. (Your webmaster apologizes that he hasn't acknowledged on our CVIDS website her extensive service until now when he became aware of it). Which roles has Nancy Rash been playing? Nancy recorded the minutes of the Region One Board Meeting and the Region One Business Meeting (Muscatine - 2023 and Minnetonka - 2024) that are published in the Fall editions of The Daylily Pioneer.  In addition, she makes updates to the officer lists, assists President Lisa Schmidt as requested, and keeps a record of the nominating committees that turn in the nominees for print in The Daylily Pioneer. Nancy will continue as Regional Secretary through at least 2024.

I should add that Nancy Rash's contributions to our daylily world extend beyond Region One. In a recent email, she wrote: "I was asked by Russ Allen, Chair of the ADS Marketing Committee, to be a member starting in 2023.  He shared his article “Six Strategies for Successfully Building Daylily Club Membership” with the national marketing committee members, and I asked his permission to submit it to The Daylily Pioneer.  It was printed in its Spring 2024 issue. He has lots of ideas. He asked me to pursue contacts at Better Homes and Gardens. We had some meetings by Zoom and at the national meeting.  If you haven’t read his article, take a look.

Lorraine Manz, editor of The Daylily Pioneer, asked me to write about Steve Horan’s Garden that we visited on the Region One Tour. I also submitted an article about attending the National ADS meeting in Oklahoma City, OK, in June 2024." 

Review of August 24th!
As expected, August 24th was a busy day for us at the ISU Extension Expo Center in Monticello! Our Fall Public Plant Sale took place at 9:00-11:30 AM. There was a potluck lunch at noon, followed at 12:30 PM by a brief business meeting and then the iris silent auction and live auction of the remaining club plants that were not previously selected in the email silent auction (see below).

Here are a few photos taken on the day by Lyle Moen. Thank you, Lyle! Our thanks also go to Cari for taking minutes at our August meeting; they will require approval at the October meeting.

News from Gary Oster
At the height of the bloom season, Nancy Carlisle visited the daylily display garden at Cornell College in Mount Vernon created by Gary Oster. Among lilies blooming was Gary's Unstoppable Gold (left), which incidentally put on a marvelous display this year in Jonathan and Susie's Fort Collins garden. Gary recently returned home from rehab and has now moved to a new location in Tipton that he is greatly enjoying.

July 2024 Garden Tour
This much-awaited annual event took place on Saturday, July 13, with members visiting the gardens of Sara Kelley, Jackie Westhoff, Dick & Jo Palmer, and Rex & Judy Raub. Please click here to access CVIDS Newsletter 2nd Special Edition, Summer Garden Tour July 2024, created by Lyle Moen and Nancy Rash. Thank you, Lyle and Nancy, for capturing these memorable moments!

CVIDS Newsletter 2nd Special Edition, June 2024. Kramer Open House by Peggy Rash-Daniels
On the afternoon of June 30th, Sue and Dave Kramer welcomed visitors to their gardens and hybridizing beds. Sue was celebrating her birthday and opening her lovely gardens to be viewed and enjoyed. It was a beautiful summer day. Sue had her seedlings labeled and flagged for sale. The daylilies were blooming their heads off! Many people wandered and admired Sue and Dave's vast daylily display. There were daylilies of every size and color. After viewing the blooms, visitors gathered at the patio. Refreshments and conversation were enjoyed on the patio. Sue was available to answer questions and visit. Thank you, Sue and Dave, for the grand tour!

Happy Birthday to you, Sue Kramer!
To help Sue celebrate her July 1st birthday, Dave and Sue Kramer invited members to visit their gardens on Sunday, June 30, view their daylilies, have birthday cupcakes, and perhaps even drink a little wine. Looks like a fun time was had by all! Happy Birthday, Sue! Thank you, Heather, for the photos!

Hot off the Press!
Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen attended the ADS National Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK, on June 12-15 and have kindly created a “Special Edition” of the CVIDS Newsletter about this event. Enjoy! Thank you, Lyle and Nancy!

Presidential Encouragement to Hybridize Daylilies

In her June 6th email to our members, club President Heather Harroun wrote: "In March, I gave a presentation titled ‘Daring to Dabble’ at Art of Gardening in Muscatine. It covered the basics of hybridizing daylilies. I want to encourage you, yes you, to dare to dabble this summer. You don’t have to be serious about it. Refuse to be intimidated (or bored) by the term “hybridizing”! Just play around with the daylilies you have and enjoy dreaming about the possibilities. Remember, cross tetraploid with tetraploid and diploid with diploid. Once you get the hang of that you may wish to delve deeper into what makes a good parent plant. If you desire to have a hands-on lesson, come to the garden tours in July." Heather's email included photos that clearly showed the anatomy of a daylily flower, the appearance of good-looking pollen, and what a receptive stigma looks like after pollen has been applied to it. (Jonathan's note: One could use a cue tip to transfer pollen from one plant to another. I prefer to simply snap off the pollen-bearing stamen and use it to dab the stigma of the recipient plant. It saves having to carry a bag of cue tips around the garden!).

Club Plant Distribution

The 2024 Club Plant Distribution was held at the Floral Hall of the Muscatine County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 18th. Set-up began at 8 AM, breakfast at 8:30 AM, and the distribution started at 9 AM. Our thanks are extended to Shelly, Colleen, Sue, Heather, Jackie, Diann P. and everyone who had a hand in putting on the day’s activities and/or contributing to the breakfast.  I have heard that everyone had a good time, plenty to eat and the weather was beautiful. Thank you to Diane Derganz for providing the list of this year’s club plant distribution recipients as well as the auction plants buyers and to Lyle Moen for the following photos.

Here are three additions to the daylily plant list provided by Heather Harroun.

Spring Plant Sale
The Spring Plant Sale took place on Saturday, May 11th, at the Discovery Park (3300 Cedar Street) in Muscatine. It was a beautiful morning during which many folks went home pleased with their purchases. A big Thank You goes to the organizers, volunteer helpers and plant buyers! Here are photos kindly provided by Heather Harroun and Keith Riewerts. Thank you, both!

Recent CVIDS Board Meeting
The minutes taken by Nancy Rash at the Board Meeting on April 25 may be accessed here. Thank you, Nancy!

April Newsletter is Ready for Viewing!
Many thanks to our editor Shelly Lett for creating and distributing the April edition of the CVIDS Newsletter.

Spring Has Also Arrived in Gnoman's Land Gardens! (photos courtesy of Heather Harroun)

Signs of Spring in the Nancy Rash-Lyle Moen Garden (photos courtesy of Nancy Rash)

Nancy wrote that "the spring flowering bulbs have done well this year and have brightened the landscape at our home.  The bulbs are well established.  The red and yellow tulips receive lots of comments from Iowa State Fans and from Iowa Fans as well!"

Daylily Club Plants - Cultivars Returning in August 2024 Including Holdovers
Yes, I realize that it's only mid-April, but Heather thought it might be helpful if I posted a list of members who are expected to bring back club plants this August.  These were the cultivars that members received in 2022 (shown in black) or holdovers from previous years (shown in red). 

CVIDS April Meeting
Our April meeting took place on Saturday, April 13th, at the Wilton Community Room. Twenty-three members attended in person and sixteen via Zoom. The meeting began with a PowerPoint review of 2024 daylily Club Plants by Sue Kramer and Colleen Hansen. Attached is the spreadsheet of club plants purchased.  The list of members eligible for a club plant in 2024 can be accessed here. Please check the list and, if you think there has been an error and your name was left off it, contact Heather or Diane Derganz. The meeting continued with a PowerPoint presentation of iris club plants and concluded with a short business meeting.

Here are the meeting minutes kindly provided by Cari Rusnak. Thank you very much, Lyle and Keith, for your photos and Cari for the minutes!


Gary Oster - a Health Update and a Members' Handbook Memory
Two bits of great news to share today! First, Gary is out of rehab and back home! We wish him a speedy recovery to full health. Secondly, the third edition of the Members' Handbook, which was approved at our March meeting, has now been posted and can be accessed here. Many thanks to the following individuals for their contributions to revising this document: Nancy Carlisle, Diane Derganz, Sara Hankemeier, Heather Harroun, Diann Pavelka, Jonathan, Susie and Matthew Poulton, and Nancy Rash.

When Jonathan thinks of the Handbook, he is reminded of Gary Oster.  Back in 2014, he and Jonathan had many conversations about "not fully understanding how the club worked, especially those events when plants were coming into and going out of club members' hands".  So, Jonathan decided to write a Handbook with the help of others, namely Nancy Carlisle, Mike Carstensen, Clay Dawson, Donna Denly, Scott and Debbie Hansen, Gary Oster, Barb and Bob Papenhausen, Nancy Rash, Keith Riewerts, Zora Ronan, Sylvia Seymour, and Lynn Stoll.  By November 1, 2014, it was finished and subsequently distributed to the membership.  The third edition should be dedicated in honor of Gary Oster, bless his heart!

CVIDS March Meeting
Our March club meeting was held on Saturday, March 9, at the Johnson County Extension Office in Iowa City, where two presentations were given. The first was by club Vice President Diane Derganz who gave an excellent overview of the Club Plant Program. This included the history of this Program, how members receive their plants, advice about giving your plants the best shot in your garden, how to evaluate your club plants, followed by information about the silent and live daylily auctions held in August. The second presentation came from club treasurer Jackie Westhoff who gave very helpful advice about growing Amaryllis and getting them to rebloom. Diane's presentation can be accessed here. On your behalf, I would like to thank both speakers for their time and expertise. President Heather Harroun led the business meeting (for agenda, please click here), for which minutes will be posted as soon as they become available. I was delighted to attend this meeting long-range from Colorado, thanks to Nancy Carlisle and Eli Hansen who set up the Zoom link and fielded questions from the Zoomers. Two business meeting items that particularly caught my attention were the following. First, that Sara Kelley, Dick & Jo Palmer, Rex & Judy Raub, and Jackie Westhoff have kindly offered to open up their gardens for our Garden Tour on July 13. Many thanks! And secondly, with the understanding that some clarification will be made with respect to wording of the club plant eligibility requirements, the recently revised Members' Handbook was voted in. Thank you to Board members for revising the document. More details about the business meeting will be provided in the minutes. A total of 31 members attended the meeting, nine of whom were on Zoom. I close this report by thanking Lyle Moen for his great photos. Meeting minutes, kindly recorded by Cari Rusnak, can be accessed here. Thank you, Cari! One last item! Click here for the list of daylily resources contributed by members at the March meeting,

2023 Fall Banquet Report
We are very grateful to Nancy Rash for preparing the 2023 Fall Banquet Report.

March Newsletter is Ready for Viewing!
Many thanks to our editor Shelly Lett for creating and distributing the March edition of the CVIDS Newsletter. In addition to the club calendar and letters from President Heather Harroun and Nancy Rash, you'll find a couple of fun items to try!

Spring Sale News!
Colleen Hansen has kindly agreed to be Chair of the Spring Plant Sale Committee! Thank you, Colleen!

Expense Reimbursement Form
If you incur expenses on CVIDS business matters, you are requested to use a new expense reimbursement form for repayment. This form is provided here in both Excel and pdf formats. Please note that, unless the expenses were approved ahead of time, there will not be reimbursement. Thank you!

February 2024 Club Meeting

Our February club meeting was held on Saturday, February 10, at the Coralville Public Library. Our featured speaker was Phil Fass (CIDS), who gave a fascinating talk on "Incorporating Daylilies in the Border". Meeting minutes can be accessed here. Thank you, Phil! And thank you, Lyle, for the photos.

Please Note:

Beginning with our February meeting, members are asked to bring their own table service and drink to the potluck meetings.  We are being environmentally conscious and responsible. Nancy Rash, Hospitality Chair

Recent CVIDS Board Meeting
The minutes taken by Nancy Rash at the Board Meeting on January 29 may be accessed here. Thank you, Nancy!

January 2024 CVIDS Newletter
Thank you, Shelly, for creating the January 2024 Newsletter!

Just a Heads-Up!
Phil Fass (CIDS) is alerting all Region One daylily enthusiasts that Pollen Dabbers in 2024 will be held on March 22-23. The keynote speaker will be Sandy Holmes. Here is a link to the registration form.

Sad Tidings!
I am very sorry to relay the sad news that Jill Gardner's mother, Connie Lou Gardner, passed away on January 8, 2024, at the age of 85. Her obituary can be assessed here. On behalf of our club, I extend our condolences to Jill and her family.

Sandy and her husband Mike will be featured on the ADS Facebook Live program of “OUR HOUSE Monday Night Lights Daylily Presentations” on January 29th, 2024. Every Monday evening from January 22nd to March 18th, one to two hybridizers feature their exciting introductions or creations. This is a wonderful way to sit in your living room and gawk at the future of the daylily world. The free weekly program is available for 6 days and then is gone from the websites. Go to Facebook and search for “OUR HOUSE Monday Night Lights Daylily Presentations, like the group, and remember to go to the program at 6 pm Central time to view it live.

Thank you, Nancy Carlisle, for making us aware of this special opportunity!
